
Epic Games give away $2000 worth of games in 2023

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Epic Games Store (EGS) Year in Review is now out and the company have summed up all things related to EGS in 2023. The company revealed that the number of PC users reached 270 million in EGS, and last year alone saw over 40 million new users. The monthly unique user count reached over 75 million, while the peak user count was noted at 36.1 million.

2023 was also very good in terms of game releases, with EGS seeing 1,300 new PC titles. Players now have almost 300 games to choose from. Sadly, the numbers cannot be compared to Steam as there is no public data, however, EGS still have a long way to go.

A lot of free games

One thing Epic Games is known for are the free games. While most of the games are usually small indie titles. The company have provided players with games like GTA V, Tomb Raider games and many other AAA titles for free on several occasions.

Over the course of 2023, Epic Games revealed that they gave out 86 free games under the EGS Free Games program. These games were estimated to be around $2000 and the total amount of free games claimed reached 586 million.

With all these free games, one might wonder how is the company affording this. To answer that, one also needs to know that players spent over $950 million on EGS in 2023. Furthermore, Epic Games also owns Unreal Engine and other things in the mix, which further adds to their revenue.

Plans for 2024

Epic Games is planning feature updates to their store in order to improve the user experience. A new download manager, improvement to offline mode and better UI are some of the few improvements planned.

The Free Games program will continue, while players will also get Pre-loading for pre-purchases option. Subscription support and game bundles will also come in 2024 along with the release for iOS devices in Europe.

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