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Bigg Boss 17 – Bigg Boss gives an ultimatum to housemates on unhygienic and untidy behaviour

Bigg Boss 17

In the latest promo of the popular reality show, Bigg Boss was seen getting furious at the housemates. The contestants got scolded by Bigg Boss for unhygienic and untidy behaviour. The master of the house has lost his cool with the contestants and gathered them in the living area to give them a bashing. He was so furious that he ended up giving an ultimatum to everyone. Bigg Boss gave a tour of the house to the contestants showing how untidy they have kept the house. He started by showing how the house was when the show premiered and how they ended up in the house.

This visual stunned the housemates as Bigg Boss showed a spotless and clean house. It is not new that the majestic house of Bigg Boss makes headlines every year. The house is always in the talks for its majestic interiors and stunning decor. Bigg Boss is furious at the contestants for not keeping it the same. He is upset that the audience will get to see the house so untidy. Bigg Boss has given them an ultimatum to clear the mess and get it back to spotless. If the housemates do not act on it, he will make sure that the crowd in the house will get less.

Contestants get scolded in Bigg Boss 17:

Bigg Boss even goes on to say that he will send the inspection team inside the house to check on their mess. The master of the house reveals that if the team members find a mess scattered in the house they will confiscate it and not listen to the housemates twice no matter how important their stuff is. After this announcement, the promo shows that the inspection team enters the house and they are not happy with the mess. They soon began to confiscate the stuff. We also see that Sunny Arya, KhanZaadi and Arun Mahshetty stole the confiscated items from the team’s collected items.

Seeing this, Bigg Boss gets angry and penalises the contestants. He reduced the cooking time from 9 hours to 4.5 hours. This then leads to major fights and drama in the house.

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