“Do we sit or Party” – Bayley reveals the inside reaction to Vince McMahon’s sudden retirement

Vince McMahon retired from the role of WWE CEO and Chairman in July this year.

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Vince McMahon took a major decision of suddenly announcing his retirement from his role as WWE CEO and Chairman of the Board in July this year. The sudden retirement of the oldest promoters of the game sent shock waves in the wrestling fraternity. Female WWE wrestler Bayley was also one of those who were left stunned by the sudden exit of the king of the Wrestling world.

The American wrestler has recently revealed how was the mood backstage when McMahon decided to bid adieu. It should be noted that McMahon’s sudden exit came following allegations of sexual misconduct and multiple reports from the Wall Street Journal claiming that the 77-year-old paid his former female employees to shut their mouths.

Now, Bayley has shared how she felt when the news broke out. The 33-year-old said that she was taken aback at first and did not know how to react to it.

“It’s still so weird to me, when the news broke that he [Vince McMahon] was retiring, I was just in shock and it felt like we needed to do. Do we party or sit around and sit in our feelings and feel weird?’ It was such a strange feeling. It’s still talked about backstage how different things are. Not worse or better, just super different,” said Bayley in an interview with The Five Count.

“Fortunately, for me, I’ve worked with Triple H for years since being in NXT and we have such a great relationship and he understands what I’ve been through and where I want to go and how I view my character and things like that. In that sense, it’s been so awesome. I can see a shift, it’s kinda like a new relationship, is how everybody feels. Everybody has a little extra spunk in them because it’s different.”

She further stated that it felt like they had gone back in time to their NXT days.

“I was talking to Finn Balor backstage and Triple H just walked by and was like, ‘Hey guys, what’s up?’ We were like, ‘Isn’t this so weird? It feels like seven years ago again,’ especially with Finn because he and I were champions at the same time in NXT and Hunter was very hands-on and having him there again feels like Twilight Zone,” said Bayley.


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